We are pleased to offer non-profit community organizations related to Farms and Food and small nearby neighborhood businesses of Ballard, Wallingford and Madrona Farmers Markets an opportunity to connect with our visitors. See FAQ’s and Market specific instructions below.
Eligibility includes non-profit community organizations/businesses related to Farms and Food and small nearby neighborhood businesses of Ballard, Wallingford and Madrona Farmers Markets
It’s Free!
No corporations, franchises, real estate agents, anything political, girl & boy scouts.
Ballard Farmers Market: on the week you wish to attend, email: vendors@sfmamarkets.com by that Wednesday. We will respond no later than that Thursday on whether or not we have space. Community tables are subject to availability and since our available space changes weekly, we cannot schedule that far in advance.
Madrona Farmers Market email: vendors@sfmamarkets.com at minimum a week prior to the date you are interested in attending.
Wallingford Farmers Market: email: vendors@sfmamarkets.com at minimum a week prior to the date you are interested in attending.
Ballard: On Market day please arrive no later than 8AM. We have 2 entrances to the market, the Bell tower entrance (located at the intersection of 22nd AVE NW and Ballard AVE NW) and the South entrance (located at the intersection of 20th Ave NW and Ballard Ave NW) Market Management will direct you to which entrance you will be using before you arrive on Sunday. When you arrive a market crew member can assist you in locating the space you have been assigned to. Please follow the load in/load out instructions for the entrance you have been assigned to, as they each have their own load in/load out processes. Please reference our vendor load in/load out PDF for details on how both entrances work. We have parking available in the vendor lot. When you arrive, ask for a parking pass.
Wallingford and Madrona: Please reference our vendor load in/load out PDF for details.
Yes, you will need to bring your own set-up equipment. We have space for you to bring a small table, chairs and an umbrella.
In the interest of fairness, a limit of one time per month, per organization, is usually observed.
We expect you to comply with all requests that are made by the market staff. We reserve the right to retract your accommodation at any time. We ask that you keep your voice at a conversational level and that you stay within 5 feet of your space assignment. A market location space will usually accommodate a card table, a couple of folding chairs, table top information, brochures, easel, pictures and handouts. If you require a larger space, be aware that space is limited and that we may not be able to accommodate your needs.
Collecting financial donations requires a letter that identifies you as authorized to collect donations on behalf of the 501(c)(3) organization that you represent and it must be on an official letterhead. We require a copy of the letter to be available for inspection, upon request by anyone, at any time while at the SFMA markets.
Approval by market staff is required before selling any items at the market for fundraising purposes. Bake sales and other food items are not generally allowed due to health department regulations.
Not Eligible but still want to participate?
Reach out to joy@farmorewa.org for sponsorship opportunities through Farmore Wa